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27 de junio de 2019 Date2

Role of Milk and Dairy Products in Health and Prevention of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases: A Series of Systematic Reviews

Suplement Coordinators: Ángel Gil and Rosa M Ortega Accede al suplemento aquí Listado de publicaciones: S67 Introduction and Executive Summary of the Supplement, Role of Milk and Dairy Products in Health and Prevention of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases: A Series of Systematic Reviews Ángel Gil and Rosa M Ortega S74 Effects of Milk and Dairy Product Consumption on Pregnancy and Lactation ... [»»]

26 de junio de 2019 Date2

Relative validation of the adapted Mediterranean Diet Score for Adolescents by comparison with nutritional biomarkers and nutrient and food intakes: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study

Aparicio-Ugarriza, R., Cuenca-García, M., Gonzalez-Gross, M., Julián, C., Bel-Serrat, S., Moreno, L., Huybrechts, I. (n.d.). Relative validation of the adapted Mediterranean Diet Score for Adolescents by comparison with nutritional biomarkers and nutrient and food intakes: The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study. Public Health Nutrition, 1-17. doi:10. ... [»»]

26 de junio de 2019 Date2

Are we close to defining a metabolomic signature of human obesity? A systematic review of metabolomics studies

Rangel-Huerta, O. D., Pastor-Villaescusa, B., & Gil, A. (2019). Are we close to defining a metabolomic signature of human obesity? A systematic review of metabolomics studies. Metabolomics, 15(6), 93.   Introduction: Obesity is a disorder characterized by a disproportionate increase in body weight in relation to height, mainly due to the accumulation of fat, and is considered a pandemic ... [»»]

1 de mayo de 2019 Date2

Prevalence of eating disorders over the 2000–2018 period: a systematic literature review

Marie Galmiche,1,2,3 Pierre Déchelotte,2,3 Grégory Lambert,1 and Marie Pierre Tavolacci2,4 1TargEDys SA, Rouen, France; 2Inserm UMR 1073, Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine, Normandy Rouen University, France; 3Department of Nutrition, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France; and 4ClC-CRB 1404, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France   Abstract:   Background: E ... [»»]

23 de abril de 2019 Date2

Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

La revista The Lancet ha publicado un nuevo artículo sobre los efectos en la salud de los riesgos dietéticos en 195 países, 1990-2017. Comer mal, por exceso o por defecto de algunos alimentos, está relacionado con 11 millones de muertes en el mundo al año. Autores: GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators Para ... [»»]

5 de febrero de 2019 Date2

Mechanisms of Action of Probiotics

Abstract: Probiotics are living microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host when administered in adequate amounts; however, dead bacteria and their components can also exhibit probiotic properties. Bifidobacterium and strains of lactic acid bacteria are the most widely used bacteria that exhibit probiotic properties and are included in many functional foods and dietary supplements. ... [»»]

5 de febrero de 2019 Date2

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with and without Mental Regression is Associated with Changes in the Fecal Microbiota

Abstract: New microbiome sequencing technologies provide novel information about the potential interactions among intestinal microorganisms and the host in some neuropathologies as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The microbiota-gut-brain axis is an emerging aspect in the generation of autistic behaviors; evidence from animal models suggests that intestinal microbial shifts may produce changes f ... [»»]

5 de febrero de 2019 Date2

Informe del Comité Científico de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) sobre estrategias de identificación de riesgos emergentes alimentarios

Resumen    Los riesgos emergentes son aquellos derivados de un nuevo peligro para el que puede producirse una exposición significativa, o derivado de una exposición y/o susceptibilidad nueva o incrementa­da significativamente a un peligro conocido. La identificación de estos riesgos puede realizarse utilizando distintas fuentes de información y herramientas, que pueden ir desd ... [»»]

5 de febrero de 2019 Date2

Informe del Comité Científico de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) sobre la verificación de estudios de vida útil en relación a Listeria monocytogenes en alimentos listos para el consumo

Sección de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Montaña Cámara Hurtado, Pilar Conchello Moreno, Álvaro Daschner, Ramón Estruch Riba, Rosa María Giner Pons, Ele­na González Fandos, Susana Guix Arnau, Ángeles Jos Galle­go, Jordi Mañes Vinuesa, Olga Martín Belloso, María Arán­zazu Martínez Caballero, José Alfredo Martínez Hernández, Alfredo Palop Gómez, David Rodríguez L ... [»»]

15 de enero de 2019 Date2

Gluten-Free Diet: Gaps and Needs for a Healthier Diet

Valentina Melini and Francesca Melini * CREA Research Centre for Food and Nutrition; Via Ardeatina 546, I-00178 Rome, Italy; * Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-347-4814311  Published: 15 January 2019 __________ _______ Abstract: The gluten-free diet (GFD) is currently the only effective treatment in remitting the symptoms of coeliac ... [»»]

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